Guardians of the Galaxy: The Telltale Series is an episodic graphic adventure video game series developed and published by Telltale Games. Based on Marvel Comics' Guardians of the Galaxy comic book series, the game's first episode was released in April 18, 2017.
The plot centers on the Guardians finding an artifact of great power, called the 'Eternity Forge' that each individually covets, but must protect it from the malicious Kree Hala the Accuser who wants it for herself.
Guardians of the Galaxy plays similar to other Telltale games, in which the player's character talks to other characters, explore environments and interact with objects within it, and at times, complete action sequences made up of quick time events. Players make choices, such as dialog selection, that create determinants within the story affecting later actions within the episode and in future episodes. Within the series, the player primarily plays as Star-Lord, but may at times briefly take the role of another Guardian during action sequences, or, during specific times, play as another character in a flashback.
On the outskirts of a long abandoned planet, the Guardians receive a call from the Nova Corps asking them to help defeat Thanos (Jake Hart). After being shot down by the mad titan's ship, they arrive at a Kree outpost where they find him in the lower section of the building, the Nova Corps having been killed during the battle. In the lower section of the building, Thanos finds an artifact called the Eternity Forge and claims it for his own. The Guardians engage him in battle, ending with Star-Lord/Peter Quill (Scott Porter) killing him with a weapon created by Rocket (Nolan North). They celebrate at Knowhere, where several members of the team consider leaving.
The following morning, they wake up to find that they are in debt of a large bar tab. After deciding to sell Thanos' body to either the Nova Corps or the Collector, Peter considers also handing over the Eternity Forge, but decides to keep it after witnessing a flashback with his mother (Courtenay Taylor). After handing the body over, the Guardians are attacked by Kree forces led by Hala the Accuser (Faye Kingslee). After she steals the Eternity Forge away from them, Peter chases after her, with either Gamora (Emily O'Brien) or Drax (Brandon Paul Elis). On board, they discover the bodies of thousands of Kree soldiers and learn that Hala intends to resurrect them and her son, Bal-Dinn (Johnny Yong Bosch). She mortally wounds Star-Lord, but he and his partner escapes with the Forge when the other Guardians arrive. Making it on board, Peter dies from his injuries, only to be brought back to life by the Forge.
Not knowing what to do with it, they visit Yondu (Mark Barbolak), a former space-pirate and the man who raised Peter Quill after his mother's death, to help repair the ship. Whilst holding the Forge together, they share a vision where Meredith tells Peter to find her whilst Ancient Kree appears on the Forge. After finishing repairs on the ship, Gamora suggests that they find her adopted sister Nebula (Ashly Burch), who has knowledge on Ancient Kree and is currently attacking the chosen seller for Thanos' body. However, Rocket, now knowing about the Forge's resurrection powers, asks Peter to travel to Halfworld and resurrect his deceased friend, Lylla (Fryda Wolff). Regardless of the choice, the group capture Nebula and discover that it cannot resurrect Lylla, but will result in Thanos' corpse being lost if the latter is chosen.
Nebula provides them with the translation, leading them back to the temple where they discovered the Forge. Reinvestigating the site, they discover the location of "Meredith" is a planet called Emnios and that the Forge is only at its minimum capacity, explaining why it didn't resurrect Lylla. After another battle with Hala and her forces, they arrive at the planet, where they find what seems to be the area where Peter grew up. After Peter breaks Gamora out of a flashback of when Nebula seemingly betrayed and almost killed her, which resulted in the constant tension between the two sisters, they enter the temple and discover the person sending the messages, Mantis (Sumalee Montano). An empath, she has been using Peter's memories to bring him to the temple and free her, so that she could guide him on how he used the Eternity Forge. Mantis further explains that the Forge has the powers to control life-energy, allowing the user to control death and bring back the dead. Having been charged by the Kree to be kept away until a person called the "Celestial One" had discovered her, Mantis is meant to lead the person to the means of either empowering or destroying the Forge.
Though split on what they should do with it, the Guardians agree to let Mantis guide them to the final temple. While trying to resolve conflict within the group, Peter uses Mantis' powers to see Gamora's flashback from earlier from Nebula' s perspective and thus discovers that, rather than trying to take Gamora's place at Thanos' side, Nebula was instead forced to fake Gamora's death in front of Thanos, otherwise he would have done something far worse to her, as he didn't find any use in Gamora anymore; this results in another hated argument between the two sisters, during which Nebula either reconciles with Gamora and is convinced to join the Guardians, or leaves. Regardless, Mantis guides the group to the temple, where they discover the device that can empower or destroy the forge. After managing to activate it, Peter decides the Forge's fate, during which Hala and her forces attempt to retrieve it; if Nebula was convinced to remain with the Guardians, she helps them out during the battle and is severely injured by Hala while trying to save Gamora. Depending on the chosen fate of the Eternity Forge, Hala either resurrects Bal-Dinn with the empowered Forge, or is severely burned when it is destroyed but manages to absorb its powers.