This is where Hannah Grant starts her journey of Schizm. Her starting locations differ between the CD and DVD version. On the CD, she starts on a narrow catwalk leading up, but on the DVD version, Hannah begins on a wide island with benches and walkways, leading to the catwalk. From what the player can see, it is quite evident that these organic structures form a village for most, if not all, the Argilans. Gazebos, tentacles, elevators, benches, curly stone formations, and plants are all over the place, and some of the villagers' houses bear things outside of them such as pools of greenish liquid, gourds in boxes (which seem to also grow on the living island walls), pillows and pottery, or bee-like insects swarming around odd, tuber-like structures. (a picture of said insect can be seen in one of their locations) And in the DVD version, an adult version of this insect can be seen sweeping through the player's view with a whooshing sound, and several of them hover in certain areas.
One villager, who appears to know English language, helps Sam when arriving perform a Matia ritual. (more info can be seen below) However, the balance on his Oil reservoir seems to be broken, as the number 6 on its scale is missing. Sam does not take to this well, though the gardener seems to use this issue to test Sam.
According to the manual, Science Base Two was set up here in a location titled "Symphony Harbor", supervised by Dr. Gustav Tomlin. His mission log is revealed in the DVD version, and during Hannah's tour, Tomlin appears as a Matia ghost, explaining that Living Ships can be operated via coordinates on special plaques. "They change all the time. Old ones won't work now. Look for new ones, the new coordinates..." This is proven when said plaques are shown with red 'X's on a pair of Argilan numbers, while another pair are clear.
Bosh's Tunnels
This is by far the largest area of the game, next to Matia's zone. Vaguely as the title suggests, This location is probably where the Argilans came to worship. The area seems to be built into a massive plateau, hundreds of meters high. The topmost area appears to be an aircraft landing area, used by Sam Mainey to land his catfish balloon. That place seems to be rarely used, evidenced by platforms of rusting metal around the main docking clamp. Upon exiting said blimp, Hannah can now reach Sam through their radios.
Further on is an ornate foyer with 3-paneled doors, beyond which turns out to be an enormous temple lined with bizarre minarets, similar to those used on Russian and Arabian temples on Earth. Nearby are two objects: A golden sextant for performing the ritual, "Hermat's pillars", and a steam-powered monorail tram. The latter leads to a small cavern in the plateau itself, containing eight brass "prayer-grinders", used to make prayers for the Argilans. Strangely, spinning these devices actually make sounds that resemble voices. As Sam suggests, these objects are similar to Buddhist Prayer wheels. Later on, smaller groups in the temple turn out to be used not only for prayers, but also as passwords for unlocking barriers.
Beyond the temple and monorail is Science Base One, run by Dr. Angela Davies, surrounded by huge radio dishes. Dr. Mainey points out that the base appears to be "deliberately cut off", causes unknown, but perhaps done by a collapse in the temple structure, evidenced by broken architecture near the edge. The monorail may have led to Base One, but no track is visible presently.
Inside the temple itself is a maze of cloisters with prayer grinder sets lining the walls, dimly lit by lanterns. Most of the area seems to be old and in disrepair. At one end of the temple is a room with candles, a mural with what seems to be a Chinese or Buddhist human, and two stone tablets with images of a wasp (like the one from Hannah's starting area) and an ornate pattern with the Argilan number "9" in its center. Both of these make another ritual: a task for buying precious oil from a gardener, and bringing it to this temple.
The second floor of the temple is quite sparse, containing nothing but a safe holding a detalion (glass in a metal circle, and also a vague reference to the game's company) with Living Ship coordinates for Matia's Zone. On the opposite wall is a mural of a man using the golden sextant outside the temple facing a metal tower and a strange formula for using the sextant This safe's combination results from solving the ritual "Hermat's pillars". Another room, only accessible in the DVD version, seems to have caved in, but Angela Davies' mission log lies on its threshold. Activating it reveals a huge amount of Schizm's back story. Hardly anything else is accessible due to the fact that many rooms and corridors are caved in or boarded up.
The temple's center contains a staggering amount of rain water engulfing the floor (if there ever is or was one), a strange wicker bridge, and a massive statue of what resembles a football player from the famous Heisman Trophy perched on a chair above a lotus flower. It is there that a recurring Argilan priest provides a clue to reaching a new area by mimicking the prayer grinders. Copying this event opens a staircase beneath a large flower petal, done via a pipe in the water connected to a grinder speaker.